Certified instructor of the  << The Pilates Method of
Body Conditioning >> originated from the work of Joseph H. Pilates,
Coach and Mentor.
Certified areas: Author of several Pilates books

After the professional education with 600 hours at Davorka Kulenovic
in the Pilates Studio New York; enhancement of the Pilates exercise programs

through study of training methods from the most popular Pilates Instructors worldwide. The training is being enriched with up-to-date insights from Naturopathy and Sports medicine.
"For me, health is very important. Therefore, I have permanently developed - in parallel to my IT job - in areas such as sports, various massage techniques, different methods of healing / treatment and also artistic. Due to severe back problems that were treated for 5 years, with a range of therapies without success, I took Pilates classes. With the opening of the "New York Pilates Studio" in Stuttgart in 2004, I was one of the first clients of Davorka Kulenovic (studio owner). After 6 weeks (2 hrs. per week), I was pain free. This grandiose experience animated me such much, so I graduated the complete education with full enthusiasm. For me, Pilates is a great method that keeps the body statics or corrects it, eliminating cellulite and strengthens, stretches and forms the body with each exercise."